Bingo game is one of the popular gambling games in the world. It is not only popular but is very profitable simple to understand. This game can be found in every country fair and boardwalks. In this game the numbers are called by the caller who picks some random numbers from a box. The players will then cover the numbers in the cards with beans if a player has completed the number in straight line than he has to shout Bingo.
Origin of Bingo game
The origin of bingo game took place in Italy in 1530 and its Italian name was Lo Giuoco del Lotto D’Italia which means Italian Bingo. This game is still played in Italy on Sunday. After its inception in Italy the bingo game arrives in France in 1770 and was called as “Le Lotto” in present France also the bingo is recognised with same name. In France the game was usually played by wealthy men and is termed as gentleman’s sports.
Arrival of Bingo Game in Germany and United States
Germany adopted bingo game to help its students learning math, history and spellings. The Germany used the different version of the game with phrases or words and the numbers were replaced by spelling and history. This version of bingo game becomes popular as the children loved it very much because of the fun factor involved in it. The bingo game arrived in Atlanta in United States where the Beano version of the game was played
Beano to Bingo
One day a salesman Edwin Lowe in United states watched this game in a carnival and after discussing with his family and friends he started to host the games with the help of small cardboards, cards and rubber stamp and when one of his friend won the game and yelled bingo in excitement, Lowe decided to rename the name to bingo as it was catchy and in the native language.
Bingo for fund raising
Seeing the popularity of the game one day a priest approached Lowe to see that whether bingo game can be used to raise fund for charity. Lowe after giving his nod to the priest started to spread the game in entire country and as the game was becoming popular, Lowe asked people to host the games and in order to do so a person need to pay a dollar a year and they have to call the game as Bingo game.